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Point of Sale (POS) App
How to Install Cococart POS [Beta]
How to Install Cococart POS [Beta]

Download and install Cococart POS by following these steps

Written by Cococart Support Team
Updated this week

As of publishing, Cococart POS is a beta app running through Testflight, available on iPadOS or MacOS (Apple Silicon). It is not yet publicly available via Google Play and can only be accessed using invites.

The Cococart POS is available to use on any iOS and Android tablet or mobile.

Here’s how to download, install, and run Cococart POS on your iOS device:

  1. Click this link to download the Testflight app.

    Testflight is where we host the current beta version of Cococart POS to gather your feedback and collect any crash reports, bugs, etc.

    If you are having trouble with the link above, search “Testflight” on the App Store.

  2. If you’re a new tester for the app, click Accept. If you’re a returning tester, click Update or Open.

  3. Click Install to install the Cococart POS app on your device.

  4. Cococart POS should now run on your device.

Here’s how you can sign up and have access to the POS while using an Android device:

  1. Please contact [email protected] and provide the email you intend to use for the POS.

  2. We will provide the email details to our engineers so that they can include you in the list of testers of the app.

  3. After the enrollment confirmation, please go to this website.

    Please ensure that you are accessing this using the email details you shared with us.

  4. Click Become a Tester

5. You will then be redirected to this page as a confirmation that your access is granted.

6. To download the app, please click on download it on Google Play.

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